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Global Shading Day 2023

On 21st March 2023, The European Solar Shading Organisation (ES-SO) are launching the first Global Shading Day, aiming to raise awareness of the human, environmental, and economic benefits of solar shading.

As members of the British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA), PT Blinds are beyond excited to discover that an official awareness day for solar shading has been created. We are in full support of the cause, and will strive to help raise awareness of the day and the countless benefits of solar shading. Find out more below on why the awareness day has been created and how exactly solar shading is beneficial.

What is Global Shading Day?

Debuting on Tuesday 21st March 2023, Global Shading Day was created by ES-SO to inform the public and policy makers of the numerous benefits of solar shading.

What are the Benefits of Solar Shading?

With climate change causing new extremes in temperatures and heatwaves becoming more commonplace. heat-related health issues on the rise. Demand for air conditioning and fans during the warmer months is also increasing as a result of rising temperatures. Air conditioning is not only a known contributor to CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases, but it is also especially demanding financially.

Effective, adjustable shading solutions can significantly reduce the health implications of high temperatures, as well as the impact of air conditioning on the environment and economy. Homes and commercial buildings will benefit from lower temperatures, meaning its occupants will also be less likely to overheat and become prone to heat-related illness.

How are PT Blinds Supporting the Cause?

Not only will we continue promoting Global Shading Day and raise awareness of the need for effective solar shading, but our range of window dressings provide shading for homes and commercial spaces. From our blackout-lined Roman Blinds to our highly functional Day and Night Blinds, we offer a wide range of products that support the initiative and assist with efficient solar shading.

Why are We in Support of Global Shading Day?

With the countless benefits of solar shading apparent, PT Blinds are in full support of ES-SO’s efforts in raising awareness of such an important cause. Nicola Brumfitt, our Marketing Director, comments:

“Efficient solar shading encourages significant benefits for the environment, economy, and general population, so as a leading UK blind manufacturer it is only natural that we contribute in promoting and providing this. We support ES-SO’s and BBSA’s efforts, along with likeminded businesses within the industry, in promoting a day that is such an important part of a global pursuit of bettering our environment.”

Click here to find out more about Global Shading Day, or discover our portfolio of window dressings

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